How To Assemble An Emergency Disaster Kit

Have you put off assembling your disaster/emergency kit? You never know when a storm or emergency will make having one very handy. Put one together now that includes food, medicine, and other essentials that you may need in case of an emergency.

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How many supplies will you need? Well, you never know, but having at least three days of supplies at home is a great start. Make sure to have a three-day supply of food and water available. You should plan for one gallon of water per person each day and enough food that won't spoil.

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Remember, an emergency water supply should be a top priority. During an emergency your drinking water should not be rationed, making it very important to have enough water available for your family and yourself. Depending on things like age, activity, diet, physical activity, and climate, most people will require at least two quarts of drinking water each day. If you live in a very hot climate you should plan to keep double the amount of water normally necessary on hand. Lastly, don't forget that each person will also require about a gallon of water each day strictly for sanitary purposes.

To store water be sure to use clean containers made of plastic, fiberglass, or lined with enamel. Never use containers that can break. Also, never use a container that has held toxic substances. Plastic containers are best. Be sure to seal your water containers tightly, label them and store them in a cool, dark place. It is very important to replace your stored water and food every six months.

Some other items that will be important to have are a hand-operated can opener, battery-powered radio, flashlight, fire extinguisher, an ample supply of batteries, first aid kit, blankets, pillows, clothing, toiletries, important documents, cash, and tools.

Be prepared for any type of problem with your emergency disaster kit.

How To Assemble An Emergency Disaster Kit
Reciprocating Saw Cordless

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